Use Keyboard with mouse

If you feel that your external keyboard is not working properly or some particular key is not functioning then you can use internal keyboard on your desktop screen. This property of keyboard is found in windows xp and seven. Just follow these steps
Go to start menu and press “run
Type  “osk
Now press enter.
(note. Don’t use commas)
you will see keyboard on your desktop screen. Now use mouse to click on keys for operation.


It is common observation that some times our computer slows down due to low performance of hard drive. This problem happens due to the slow performance or poor speed of hard drive. When we say about poor performance, actually we mean, poor speed of reading/writing of hard drive. This problem can be solved by increasing the hard drive speed. Follow these steps to solve your problem.

Click Start menu and select run.
Now type (sysedit.exe) in run and press enter.
System configuration editor will appear.
Here you can see some multiple windows but you will select (system.ini).
This window contains a line (386enh)
Now after this line type (irq14=4096)
Now close this window and save it.
Reboot your computer now.
You will surely feel better performance of your computer.


This is a common question when have been asked about several times by many people. Every body wants to know that what is the difference between a LCD and TFT. So i figured out, i should answer this question for anyone who has doubts.

LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display... and 
TFT stands for Thin Film Transistor.

TFT is not really different from LCD. It comes from the family of LCD technology. We can say that it is a modern version of the LCD Technology. A TFT provide a well improved image quality. 
There are two typs of display quality. 1st one is Matty and 2nd is Grossy. Matty display is called LCD and Grossy display is called as TFT. LCD and TFT consumes less power energy as compared to CRT (Cathode ray tube).
Now a days TFT has been used for mobile phone devices, projectors, nevigation systems as well as TVs and computer monitors.

In this post I will tell you about installation of win XP in minimum time period. Normally when someone tries to install windows XP on computer, it takes around 30-40 min to complete entire setup. It is too much time to install windows setup. I will tell you a method to install windows more faster. It will take approximately 15 minutes to complete windows installation. So to install win XP in short time please follow these steps.

Power on your computer and start with bootable windows XP cd
In first step window will load installation files.
Select any drive ( C: ) for installation.
Select NTFS to format the partition.
Setup will copy files on this drive and it will try to restart PC.
After restarting when you see Xp logo, press (Shift+F10).
It will open (CMD) prompt.
In CMD prompt type (Taskmgr)
It will open task manager. Now go to “process” tab and find “Setup exe” Right click on setup.exe and select “Set priority”
You will see a submenu. Here priority will be normal. Select priority to (High)  or above (Normal).

This will complete installation process much faster than the normal original time.
Try it….......